Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Artist Crush: Ykha Amelz

Dwelling in art is what Ykha Amelz all about. Pencil and paper are all she always needs because her interest has always been for illustration that's based on lines and figures. Having to work with renowned magazines including Elle, Nylon and Harper's Bazaar, for the love of Art School, she contributed a few drawings of lovely dogs specially sketched for Cotton Ink's new collection. Thanks a lot, Ykha! xx

What was your dream job as a child?
To do art has always been my dream job as a child.

Quick answer: coffee or tea?
It used to be coffee, but I prefer tea nowadays. 

So you're more into curling up in your blankets compared to attending social gatherings, no?
Yes, you're right. I do prefer curling up in my blankets. Or maybe just stay at home and play with my dogs.

What are your top three places to hang out in Jakarta?
Dia.Lo.Gue artspace, KOI and my studio. *laughs*

What song always puts you in a good mood?
Angels by The XX.

What do you dream of doing in the future?
Travel the world.

For more of her artworks, check it out here.

“A drawing goes out electric if you really experience and put emotion into it. I wanted people to know that they can feel different kinds of emotion just by looking at the lines and colors. To feel something makes you feel alive.” 
Ykha Amelz